My friend and work out buddy and I have been faithful to our P90 for a couple of weeks now.
Though there are days that I wish she had something else to do so I could rest that night.
She is so much better about keeping us accountable that I am. If she wasn't coming over to do the workout I would probably stop.
But alas, God always knows what we need when we need it.
He knows that I have been struggling with wanting to work out. I have good days and bad days.
When she arrived last night, she gave me this from Lysa Turkeurst, "Made To Crave".
"I fully realize that my body as a temple, may not be God's most grand dwelling. However, I want to lift up to the Lord my willingness to dedicate my exercise as a gift to Him and myself. This one act "un-divides" my heart and reminds me of the deeper purpose for moving my body."
God knew I needed to read this.
To hear this deep with my heart.
Every work out is a gift that I am giving to God and myself.
My temple is not grand right now, for sure.
But it can be if I will continue to eat right and stand on my desire to work out each day.
Praying my heart will no longer be divided!
Psalm 86:11-12 (New King James Version)
Teach me Your way, O LORD; I will walk in Your truth; Unite my heart to fear Your name. I will praise You, O Lord my God, with all my heart, And I will glorify Your name forevermore.
I think I can, I think I can....