We are three days from our Women's retreat "Breaking Free 09" here at Praise AG and I have been asked to speak. As excited as I am, the last two weeks have been rough. Attacks coming from everywhere. Hard stuff, vying for my peace and attention. Stealing my hope for my families future and promises given to me by our Heavenly Father. The enemies purpose, to cripple me.
Apostle Paul is teaching us to forget the past and reach forward to our future. I have to say that I have found it hard at times to press through. Praise the lord for the Godly women God has given me. Women I can trust to share my heart with who will walk with me and always point me right back to Him.
The enemy has designed a pit for us by condemning us of our past and reminding us of where we have failed, but God (don't you just love those two words!!) is our deliverer. Can I encourage you all.. If you have been going through some trials as well, will you press forward with me to the Prize? Our past is just that, the past!! Once forgiven, the enemy can't use it against us nor hold it over our heads unless we let him. We need to stand strong, leave our past behind and look forward, better yet, reach forward to our prize!!
Ladies, It's time to Break Free!! Wooo whooooo!!!