"And I will cause hostility between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring. He will strike your head, and you will strike his heel.” Genesis 3:15
How many times have you fought the good fight only to feel defeated? Eve must have felt defeated that day in the Garden when the realization came that she went against God and chose to act in what the enemy (Satan) was coaxing her to do. But, in the midst of Eve's sin against God he reveals a promise to her.. That her offspring would Defeat her enemy...
My Daughter has seizures due to the Cerebral Palsy. Mark tells us that if we Believe, what so ever we ask for we will receive. Three years ago God spoke to me about seeking Him for her healing from the seizures and the Cerebral Palsy.
The same week God spoke to me about this a mother of one of Sam's school friends shared with me what God has told her to do. She said, "Go to Food Lion (our local store)and get you some olive oil. Then, tonight before she goes to bed anoint her forehead, both her hands and feet and pray over your baby for her deliverance." I didn't even question what she said. I went to Food Lion, grabbed some olive oil and have been anointing and praying over Sam almost every night for three years now. This seems to be keeping the seizures at bay. But there are times when the seizures break through and always just before her bus gets here to pick her up for school or we are about to do something as a family. Even sometimes at restaurants and other public places.
I've been going to God and asking him, why if, I'm doing what you have shown me to do, are the seizures still coming? Eighteen years is a long time to be dealing with these on a almost daily bases? Three weeks ago God told me to STAND!! I thought to my self, "huh?" Then I thought what does Stand look like? God reminded me of the Israeli's and took me to Exodus 14:13,
Moses answered the people, "Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the LORD will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again.
Stand firm... God is telling me to Stand firm in what he has told me. So Standing for me is resisting the enemy in each of the seizures... The last three weeks I have been doing just this!!When the seizure comes I don't receive it.. Instead, I speak God's promises over Sam!! I remind the enemy who he is... I speak out every scripture as the Holy Spirit brings them to my remembrance! I am in battle for my daughters healing and this morning was no different..
I had just gotten Sam out of the tub and I felt in my spirit for the first time that a seizure was coming before it even showed it's normal signs. I chose then to stand. I began to fight before it reared it's ugly head. Satan's design, cause me to feel defeated. But God moved in my heart and I began to tell satan that he is a liar!! God gave Eve a promise that her offspring would strike his head and Sam will be delivered! The seizure came and I continued to speak out loud as many times as it took! Within five minutes the seizure was gone. It didn't even have a chance to take a foothold this time. We have a victory and one day we will have Full Victory and God will deliver Sam and I from the plan satan has for us!!
When I came back in from putting Sam on the bus one of my 17 year old sons said, "Mom, satan is a liar and you defeated him this morning". Wow...... With God I defeated him this morning... Can I say Whoot whoot!!!!!!!
What are you going through that you feel defeated in? Tell satan that he is a liar and that your Victory is at hand.. God is so good and so able!! Jesus defeated satan on the Cross and by His stripes we are healed! Like ours, your Victory may terry but it will come! We are promised this by way of the Cross. One day soon I will be blogging the day of Sam's full healing!!
I've included a picture of our Sam. Isn't she beautiful?
Thank you Jesus for your continued faithfulness to me and my family!