Last week I received some really sad news. My sidekick, Becky, was resigning her position as my assistant and treasure for the SC WM's department.
She has been doing this job for many years and though I knew the day was coming, I had hoped it would be latter than sooner.
Mostly out of selfishness on my part. I love this sweet lady. She keeps me under control and within my boundaries. When it comes to women's ministry, I can dream and dream big.
She doesn't stop me from dreaming, she encourages it but remind's me of the cost to get my dreams out there. I need this sometimes and she always knows when.
She stretches me and strengthens me and is the voice of reason I sometimes need to hear.
I was apointed the District WM Director for SoCarolina just over a year ago. I am not the traditional leader by any means.
I am somewhat tech savvy and love to use social media to get our message out. This was brand new territory for the district womens department.
She recognized this right off and welcomed me in my new office with open arms!
She once told me she learned real quick that she had to hold on to my shirt or she might loose me. We both have laughed at this a few times.
She is a pure joy and one of the sweetest gifts God has given me in my life and ministry.
I can't imagine running the womens department without her.
I love you, Becky!!