My friend I talked about in my last post and I decided to by the book "Made To Crave" by Lysa Terkuerst.
In the first chapter, Lysa says this: "you crave what you eat"!
Wow, talk about eye opening.
No wonder I have such a hard time saying no to fried foods.
If I eat them, I will crave them! Well duh!!!
In all honesty, food makes me happy.
I knew this wasn't the way God designed me to be, the day I realized thinking about what we where going to have for dinner made me happy.
I wanted to think of God and find that same happiness and I wasn't. I had a real issue and it was time to set things right..
That was a sad day for me.. I don't want to put food before God nor allow the food to take the place He so rightly deserves.
What a journey we have before us.
I have to begin to say no to fried food and say yes to healthier food. I can eat grilled chicken and catfish...
I think I can, I think I can......
Hey Cherie... I just ordered that book, Made to Crave. I should be getting it today. I can't wait!! :)
Ms. Lisa! I know your going to love it! Lysa did a beautiful job expressing her journey with God. You will be blessed as well!
Love you sweet lady!
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