Can I please be as skinny as the girl to the right?
Every time I see her I think about this question.
Is this to much to ask? I think not, and yet I struggle in this everyday.
A good friend of mine sent a few of us an email detailing her struggle with food and her weight.
It was a very raw and open letter. She was eating sweets on her way to and from work and hiding this from her husband. WOW... none of us knew this!
I was convicted and encouraged by her strength and bravery to share so openly about her struggles to say no to certain foods.
Food is a an addiction for so many. Even me.
Mine; fried food and sweet tea.
I just haven't been brave enough to tell anyone other than God.
Growing up a southern girl, fried food is a staple of many meals and one I truly love, but for the wrong reasons.
My friend gave me the courage to say it out loud.
I was sure Bill knew it but had given me time to realize it for my self.
He has dropped hints and encouraged me in this area, but I chose to deny it to him and my self, even though I knew he was right.
For me, telling others is the first, biggest step I think I can take.
I want to loose the weight but I can't just change what I eat, I have to change the way I think about food.
She was brave enough to obey Gods voice and share her broken journey with us. It became clear that God had more in mind than just her own confessions. He used her as a catalyst for rest of us to look deep within our selves and admit we had a problem as well.
An amazing thing happened once her email went out. Almost everyone on her list revealed they too where having issues with carving food and these issues were hidden from the ones they love.
Through her confession and ours God bonded us together.
So..... we are now all on this journey together.
What does this journey look like?
We have renewed our walks with God.
Created a covenant with Him and each other to hold us accountable as we begin to heal our broken paths to food!
I think I can, I think I can....

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